Justin Scherer makes electronic music under the name waivestate

Over a decade of practice as an interaction designer and technologist informs his approach to music where he explores intuition, physicality, and the emergent properties of complex systems to create unique improvised electronic music.

Using a small modular synthesizer and a handful of outboard devices, waivestate improvises at the edge of discomfort with how much control he keeps and how much he gives his instruments. He pulls on generative motifs to build lush, dense, looping walls of shifting, organic timbres cast against off-kilter rhythms. Sometimes sweeping and cinematic, and at other times delicate and intimate, each performance has a unique trajectory and strong emotional arc.

These qualities are all present on waivestate's latest release, Sprout Sessions. Recorded in one take with no overdubs or multi-tracking, Sprout Sessions charts several transitions in waivestate’s life as sweeping, distorted soundscapes filled with anxiety and catharsis.